szybki czas realizacji
zadowolonych klientów
Lat na rynku niemieckim
Obsługa rachunkowo-księgowa
Working with an experienced tax consultant and attorney, we assist you in choosing the form of company taxation in Germany.
The “Family 800+” program is designed to support families in covering the...
Read MoreGermany is among the most developed countries in the world. That’s why...
Read MoreThe German legislature has created a procedure for securing tax claims arising...
Read MoreOur business in the German market is aimed at clients who intend...
Read MoreZwrot podatku w Niemczech.
As part of the services offered, we will take care of tax refunds for you. If you have worked in Germany and have family in Poland, you are entitled to a tax refund. We will fill out all the forms that are necessary when claiming a tax refund.
Rozwiązywanie problemów.
Our activities in the German market are aimed at institutional clients, i.e. those who are already operating in the German market, or are just about to start operations in this market, and do not know, or have little understanding of the law for companies.
Pomagamy przedsiębiorcom
Pomagamy przedsiębiorcom w rozpoznaniu niszy na rynku niemieckim, pomagamy w postępowaniu prawnym, rozumieniu niemieckiego prawa, rachunkowości i księgowości. Innym rodzajem klienta, którym się zajmuję, to klient indywidulany, pracujący w Niemczech.
Realia życia w Niemczech
Taki klient często jest zagubiony, nie zna prawa, realiów życia w Niemczech, często także języka niemieckiego. Istniejemy na rynku niemieckim od ponad 10 lat. Zatrudniam w 4 biurach w Polsce, a także w Berlinie wykwalifikowaną kadrę.
Baza Wiedzy
As early as 2025, new e-invoicing regulations are coming into force, which...
Read MoreThe “Family 800+” program is designed to support families in covering the...
Read MoreToday, the single European market is a challenge for every entrepreneur, especially...
Read MoreFor the so-called small entrepreneur, there are significant simplifications in Germany with...
Read MoreMany entrepreneurs are unaware of how German law regulates payment of invoices....
Read MoreAdvantages of GmbH Compared to a partnership, a limited liability company has...
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